Early last week, Amazon released OS update to its kindle fire tablet to improve some performance issues. However "This update enhances fluidity and performance, improves touch navigation responsiveness, gives you the option to choose which items display on the carousel, and adds the ability to add a password lock on Wi-Fi access," Amazon said. Kindle Software Update Version 6.2.1 is attainable now and will be delivered automatically to connected devices. Before the update, many Kindle Fire users had complained of issues with the touch screen, browser and other features. Some reported that the screen was sensitive to accidental touches and even near-touches but that it would respond slowly to intentional touches. We hope the update will conquer these issues. Please leave your comments to share your experience with us below the box. Please fellow us on Facebook in real time by just clicking the "LIKE" button below.
Motorola Xoom 2 also known as the Droid Xyboard in the U.S. is a fellow up original Motorola Xoom tablet. It has 1GB of RAM and 16GB of internal storage; although only about 12GB is available to use. However, there is a lack of memory card slot in this device, so 16GB is all you get. On the bright site, with WiFi sports a gorgeous 10.1 inch IPS display and a great 1.2GHz dual core processor running on Android 3.2 Honeycomb. Although quad core tablets are due to release sometime in January 2012 such as Asus Transformer Prime, and a battery delivering more than 10 hours of video playback means it can go with you anywhere you need to be without worrying how long it will last. Nevertheless, it is worth buying to replace Ipad2 or so.
Overall, tablets are plentiful nowadays but this is an average tablet comparing to other high tablets in the market, but it is slimmer and lighter than the first Xoom. It is not current running in Ice Cream Sandwich and only supports 16GB of non-expandable memory and relatively high price. However, the question remains "is this enough tomake you buy one? Leaveyourcommentsintheboxbelow. Please fellow us on Facebook in real time by just clicking the "LIKE" button below.
Did you fed up using Bluetooth, earphones or just want to have a fun with your friends. Then try this product “classic retro-phone handset”. The Retro Phone Handset is a new production replica of the Western Electric 500-series model, which was the classic phone handset for several decades. It’s been slightly intergraded to work with the headset jack of most handsets. Simply connect your handset via the 2.5 mm or 3.5 mm audio jack, then select the activation key. Nevertheless, this handset cuts down 96% of the harmful radiation from your phone. It is perfect for anyone who uses a mobile phones as their primary phone. This must have, mobile phone accessory has classic looks and functionality. If you think getting one then check it out on Amazon below link.http://www.amazon.co.uk/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Delectronics&field-keywords=RETRO+CLASSIC+TELEPHONE+HANDSET+&x=9&y=17
Google is now available its Google+ social networking for business to promote their products in real time and so on. Google says its new model business pages are planned to help businesses have more interaction and even face-to-face time with their clients, even on the move. Whilst the platform isn't yet open for anyone to get started, Google is inviting several businesses and large organisations that have already signed on and created their own pages.
Please follow us on Facebook by just click the "LIKE" button bellow.
I want to see a new iPhone 5. I suspect it's will like concept or not? Example designing by ADR Studio, this model comes with a capacitive home button, aluminum unibody case, a 4.3 inch screen and a dual core Apple A6 processor.
It’s also got iOS 5.1 and iCloud, while its body looks more compact than ever, so it may have a thickness lower than 8.5mm (Galaxy S II thickness). The elongated capacitive Home button is something that people have been talking about for a while now, so it would be a pity not to capitalize on that innovation.
This week I’ve heard that Apple finally decided to go with Samsung as its next CPU maker, although TSMC seemed like the favourite for making the A6 for a while… Also, inside sources are saying that the same case size of the iPhone 4S will be kept, but the screen will be made bigger, so maybe we’re talking edge to edge display here. These are all usual rumors, that we’ll be hearing for a year now, till the iPhone 5 gets released…
Designers: ADR Studio
If you liked this iPhone, you would also be interested in: www.concept-phones.com
We have a revealed a reliable source close to the company that Microsoft has announced it will launch an app store like Android Market to provide applications for Windows 8 computers, which due to hit the shelves in February 2012. Windows store will allow users to download free trial copies for limited time but the minimum price for those that charge will be $1.49; check it out that trial period. However, developers will be able to submit their apps to the store from late February next year. Please stay tuned, and we will update more on this and other tech selection.
Biggerisbetter,thisisoneofthebiggestsmartphoneswehaveeverseen,evenbiggerthanDellStreak,a5.3"1280x800pixelbigandbeautifulAMOLEDHDscreen;itisincredible,thinandlightgivenitssizeas Samsung usuallydesignstheirhandsetsatahighstandardlevel.However,thequestionremains,isthisguyfillsthespacebetweenatabletandaphone? Thisguyrunsafaster1.4GHzdualcoreCPUprocessorextremelypowerfulandAndroid2.3.5operatingsystemoutoftheboxandyoucanrequesttoupdatetoAndroid2.3.6straightaway,thusitdoesn'tfeelquitesmoothasonSamsungGalaxyS2.Eventually,itwillget Ice Cream Sandwichupdatessoon"Android4.0"asthecompanysaid.Ithas16GBinternalstorage;butyoucanextendupto32GBSDcard,1GBRAMand0mAhworthofbatterpower.Price?From£599.95...right,thatisthepriceyou'repayingforintheUK,probably,around$700inUS. Overall,Inadditiontoitssize,thehandsetislightstillfeelshard,apartfromtheplastickybackcover.Thesizeisn'ttheproblem,butnotwhenmakingphonecalls.Intheory,itwillbeidealfor aBluetoothhandsetforlongconversation.Therefore,itispossibletofitthephoneintoyourpocket,unlessyourtrouseresareutterlytight. PleasestaytunedandwewillupdatemoreonGalaxyNoteandothertechselections. Check it out the Introducing Samsung GALAXY Note clip from Samsung to see what is like the phone .
We discovered from a reliable source as to when the new Amazon Kindle Fire tablet will hit UK shelves, which we were going to review soon. From a source close to the company has been leaked that the device will hit the UK release in late January 2012. So, it is worth holding off from purchasing an iPad this Christmas. We know the device cost $199.00 in US, but we have not discovered the price in the UK yet. The tablet runs a modified version of Android - and is much cheaper than its competitors like iPad, because it's designed for entertainment - fundamentally a digital 'shop front' formed to sell TV shows, books, apps and music. Please stay tuned and we will update more on this tablet and other mesmerising selection.
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As we discover from PCWORD site, Amazon call off Asus Transformer Prime pre-orders due to insufficient furnish for more details please follow the link "PCWORD.COM". Pleasedokeepcheckingthisblog,andwewillupdatemoreabouttheAsusTransformerPrimetablet.