Hot-Liner-Flexible solar cooker

Unknown Saturday, October 2, 2010


Why do I need gas, if there is the sun? Why do we need the wood, where is the sun? So say designers Yonggu Do, Sukhoon Hong and Eunha Seo, who created the concept-the idea of unusual plates Hot-Liner. It will help to prepare hot meals, even in the most Spartan conditions. After Hot-Liner is powered by solar energy!
Hundreds of millions of people worldwide have no access to gas and electricity, and therefore still cook on open fires. This inconvenience, and throws a huge amount of carbon dioxide in Earth's atmosphere. And, moreover, millions of people lack access to resources, allowing a fire, but because eating raw food. This spodvigli designers Yonggu Do, Sukhoon Hong Eunha Seo and create the concept cookers Hot-Liner.
It's not just electric! This plate, which is powered by solar panels! It would be enough to expose it for a few hours in the sun, and it accumulates in their batteries with enough energy to her master had the opportunity to cook anything on it myself.


Hot-Liner has a flexible structure. Hence, it will be possible to bend the device in such a way as to create the desired shape,perfect size to fit your pot and kettle.
I must say that Hot-Liner - this is in contrast to power football, potentially, a very popular product. However, not so much for “third world countries” where people are preparing meals over an open fire (very very expensive will ensure every poor family in such an expensive device), and for residents of Western countries. After all, electric, powered by solar panels - it is a very useful accessory for outings, hiking, picnics and other outdoor pastime.

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