iOS - The Good and The Bad

Unknown Thursday, January 10, 2013

iOS is a premium OS which has the biggest application and game store which runs on only Apple devices. The iOS OS runs everything very smoothly. Everything is fast and easy in this OS. All you need to do is open the application you want to use and you are done. It is a power efficient and non-resource hungry OS. One thing good about iOS is you get almost the the new features via firmware (software ) update. iOS is well known for its security, easy user-interface and great variety of applications. The OS is itself top notch and well polished. You will be getting few updates including stability patches and many other bug fixes as soon as Apple finds it. It has well integration of famous apps such as Facebook, Viber, Skype and many more. Although, you are only limited to your app tray, you also get pull-down notification bar for easy access of your notifications. You get security features to protect your device by using pass-code. Find my iPhone application lets you remotely track your device and even lets you remotely erase all your data. Almost all the applications and games are optimized to run on iOS devices.

However, there are a lot of drawbacks of using iOS. There are a lot of features missing in iOS. iOS sure is secure. But, you will have things you'll need to sacrifice for the sake of security. One major disadvantage is that you will be iTunes dependent to transfer all your music, photos, games and Videos. Also, you are not logged into your Apple account, you can sync your device from only one computer. Further, you won't be able to transfer any of your data from your iOS device via Bluetooth  Doesn't matter if it has Bluetooth 2.1+EDR or Bluetooth 4.0, FTP will be disabled. Customization is next to zero in iOS device where users are forced to use theme which is already set by default. Also, there is no homescreen and no widgets. The drop-down notification bar shows only few things and doesn't let to toggle through settings. These are few of the iOS drawbacks that you will need to know.

So, you now know the good and the bad about iOS. You can surely chose whether you want an iOS device or not. If you are a professional person who's going to use such device for work, you will be more than pleased to get it. If you are a teenager like me, you may want to check out Android OS as well. Android is skyrocketing right now. It too has many cool features that you'll seriously love.

Thank you for reading my post.Stay tuned and stay updated. Do send comments and suggestions down below. You can also catch me on my Facebook page.
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