5 Tips Caring for the Battery Android

Unknown Monday, November 14, 2011

1. Always use in a state of Full
Maksutnya is, if you want to use HP's smart, make it a habit to begin with Full Battery, because the battery will become obsolete or damaged if you are forced to use the battery condition is less full, so get used to full, and again when almost LowBet Cas.
2. Cas 12-16 hours when the initial purchase
HP Battery tida clever you could say cheap, therefore a pity if battery is throwing away your Android Soak, from the news that I read, The first time you want to use, and Cas Turn off your cell phone for 12-16 hours.
3. Always note the temperature
Why always take the temperature of your battery.? Hot or cold temperatures can make your battery into Soak, or lowbet fast, especially when you play games, or when you access the Internet, do not make your battery becomes too hot, because it can make you become a Smart Battery HP is not durable, or Soak
4. Turn off When you wish to Mencas HP
Yes it is sometimes ignored by all friends, but these simple things can make your battery last longer
5. Wait until full and then take off
Maksutnya, such as the first point above, always use the full state, as well as point 4, get used to shut down your HP before you mencas your HP, do not unplug it before the full, because it could be bad for your HP..
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