Google's Chromium OS

Unknown Sunday, May 27, 2012

Did you guys hear about "Google's Chromium OS"? It may not have been advertised very much but it sure has gained a lot of publicity. It is the lightest operating system that I have ever experienced It takes only 7 to 8 second to boot up your Pc/Laptop with this awesome operating system. The requirement of this operating system isn't very high either. Any basic computer with 512MB of RAM can run this OS smoothly. 

To be honest its not a operating system as you may expect it to be. It is nothing like Windows or Mac OS. It's completely different. Then how is it? It's simply a web browser. Surprised? Really, it's just a web browser with everything inside it. Very interesting, isn't it?

Chromium OS is still in it's BETA's. So, it isn't fully complete. There are many cool stuff you can perform with this OS. The best thing about this OS is that it is faster then the fastest. If you are using it in your laptop, then it's even better because you battery will run thrice as more. It's because the OS isn't heavy at all. For instance, it doesn't need antivirus running in background nor does it need its graphics card using aero feature and the list is never ending. If you use your PC/Laptop just for browsing on the Internet, then this OS is going to be a gift from heaven. But, if you use other PC features like Photoshop and if you are a hardcore PC gamer, this OS just isn't right for you. If you are an officer who uses Microsoft Office, this OS isn't that great either as it doesn't contain Microsoft package in it's operating system nor can it be installed via third party installer. It's more or less like a small part of an operating system. But hopefully it's still on progress.

Google has tried to make their operating system very simple and easy to use. Even if you don't want this operating system to be your first priority, you can keep it as your second option. I said this because this operating system can be kept in your pen drive(Portable hard disk or any other storage device) and can be used to boot your PC/Laptop. If you don't like it remove the pendrive and you can use your previous OS. IT's as simple as that. 

If you look closely, this OS isn't bad either because if I recall properly, browsing web is what we do most and this OS is especially designed to browse on the internet. Really, what more can we ask for? They have been frequently updatind and improving this OS by fixing bugs and adding new features such as capability to install applications and games. If this OS is developed properly, it may one day be a leading OS as well. That day sure isn't very far way. The "Google men" are still trying to do best and bring forward a free bootable all-in-one OS.

Below, I have enlisted the pros and cons of the Chromium Operating System:

  1. Great booting time (only 7 seconds!)
  2. Easy to use
  3. Virus Free
  4. Battery economical
  5. Doesn't require large hard-disk
  6. Runs pretty well on old PCs(has very low specification requirement)
  7. Best OS for Web Browser
  8. Doesn't require local hard-disk
  9. Portable(Can be taken anywhere using Pendrive)
  10. Global data sharing
  1. Still in Beta
  2. Doesn't support Microsoft Office
  3. Nod good at all for hardcore Gamers and Application Users
  4. Very limited Application Library
  5. Limited only with Browser
  6. Not ideal for places with slow Internet Connectivity
  7. Useless for people without Internet
  8. Cannot use hardware resources even if they are excellent
  9. Still has some bugs
  10. Security is questionable
The Chromium OS is  innovative and is also a great concept. If web browser is all we use, why not make web browser our Operating System? This OS is just great for Net-Books and Laptops. Stay tuned and you won't be disappointed.Don't forget to keep your finger crossed!

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