Is It Worth Buying High-End Gadgets?

Unknown Friday, May 25, 2012
Everyone loves new technology and everyone loves having up-to-date gadget with all the inbuilt goodies. But the question is can we cop up with the pace? Today, I buy a smartphone which was just released yesterday but then after a year will it be even called "A awesome phone"? Ask it for yourself and then you will find the answer. We shouldn't even wait for a year because the fact is that a new gadget comes now and again everyday. The fact doesn't change that we can't afford to buy new gadgets every time they come into the market (unless you are a billionaire). 

The market/gadget producing industry is getting bigger and better everyday. The new products come out frequently. Once you buy a gadget today, you can expect a better and smarter version to come out tomorrow. Let's say for instance, several years ago, I used to feel proud to own a 21 inch CRT TV because it was the latest technology at that time. And then came the LCD technology. I said very fine and bought a 26 inch LCD TV. Then came the LED TV, Smart TV, 3D TV and then I finally realized that I can't compete with the technology. I can't have it all. It's not only with the TV, if you look it's the same with alll the other gadgets as well. It's the same with the Computers,Gaming Consoles(XBOX,PS,Wii), Smartphones, Speakers, DVD/BlueRay, Routers, and every other gadget.   
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