NASA scientists will officially unveil their design for a hover-capable, electric-powered aircraft, nicknamed “the Puffin” can fly up-down the vertical (VTOL: Vertical Take Off and Landing). Work with electricity system and can fly very silent, it sees smart but, see be excited many
NASA, design an aircraft "Puffin" by will have beginning officially for indicate that, personal vehicle has developed with electricity aircraft will to change the way of life in our travel
Puffin is couple propeller aircraft at can go up and down to the ground in the vertical. But, instead of use turning direction of a propeller in the focusing soars to go to straight. It, to adjust the tail below for take the wind power for can lift go up in the horizon before to soar go up in the horizon on the sky, person enforce Puffin aircraft will see dial and the scenery around through the sheet glass covers clear glass. For step flying down, will opposite with start up
The Puffin stands 12 feet high (3.6-meter) and has a wingspan of 13.5 feet (4.12-meter). In theory it can cruise at 150 miles per hour (241.4 kilometer per hrs.) and sprint at more like 300 miles per hour (482.8 kilometer per hrs).The craft is electrically propelled and runs on rechargeable lithium phosphate batteries, which would theoretically allow it to soar as high as 30,000 feet (9,000 meter) before its batteries would begin to run low and it would be forced to descend. But scientists are confident that the Puffin’s range could be increased as batteries improve over the coming years.
Designers: NASA
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